
Kenneth hagin healing confessions
Kenneth hagin healing confessions

kenneth hagin healing confessions kenneth hagin healing confessions

Butwe do have apart toplay.Īnd we do have obstacles toovercome. Too manypeoplewantGod todo all of it, leaving nothing for them to do nopart for them to play. You see, Godputs it all on afaith proposition. Ihave heard others actually pray, "Lord,make iteasy for me to be filled with the Spirit," andnever be filled. You, too, will have to do something aboutthe obstacles which confront you yourself. But she did not pray thatGod wouldovercome the obstacles or remove them forher. Some of her ownchurch teaching stood between her and gettingto Jesus. Public sentiment stoodbetween her and healing. You could say that the multitude stood between her and healing. And,of course, when she got to whereJesuswas, themultitude was there. Shejustgot r ight into the midst of thecrowd. Shedidn't pray that God would make it easy.

kenneth hagin healing confessions

Women in that country, especially at thatt ime, didn't have the rights and pr ivileges ofmixing freely in publicthatthey have in most ofthe world today. She had an obstacleof some churchteaching toovercometoreceivehealing.

kenneth hagin healing confessions

If anyone cameĬlose they were to cr y out, "Unclean! Unclean!"That was her church teaching.īut she got right into thatcrowd,mixed andmingled with them, and reached right throughand touched Jesus'clothes. Firs t, according to theBook of Leviticus, a woman with an issueofblood was in the same category as a leper.They were not supposed to be in public mixingand mingling with other people. To rece ive her healing she had a number of It was notJesus' faith, nor someone else's faith, but herfaith that made her whole. Jesussaid to her, "Daughter, thy faithhathmade thee whole" (Mark 5:34). Take for instance the woman with theissueof blood. It would have beeneasy then." However, if you go back and readthe four Gospels youwill findthatit was not soeasy. Sometimes folks have said, after having alittle battle in the area of faith or a little fightin obtaining healing, "I f I had just been therewhen Jesuswas on theearth. (Sixth in the ser ies: Six Big Hindrances to Faith) Kenneth E Hagin - Leaflet - Understanding Confession

Kenneth hagin healing confessions